For Open Access Week 2018, the theme was “Designing Equitable Foundations for Open Knowledge.” The week began with a design thinking-inspired panel presentation entitled “Choosing Pathways to Open Access,” engaging in action-focused deliberations about a range of open access strategies to create sustainable open access publishing. The panel used a framework addressed in the 2018 Pathways to Open Access toolkit and the in-person event October 16-17 at UC Berkeley. A summary of the event was publishing the UC Berkeley News:
Next, the Digital Scholarship Department held a drop-in session to highlight a selection of teaching modules, services and training available on digital projects and data management. The event consisted of multiple ongoing stations. Stations included presentations and supporting teaching material for a variety of topics for individuals who wanted to learn about various data and publishing topics including Software Carpentries, online timelines for Digital Humanities presentations, and ORCiD registration.
On Thursday, October 25, 2018, The Libraries presented the documentary Paywall: the Business of Scholarship that examines the world of academic publishing and the pathways to open-access publishing to address accessible research. The movie is available for streaming or download at < >.
For the afternoon program, Co-Directors from Punctum Books, Eileen Joy and Vincent W. J. van Gerven Oei, presented on “Punctum Books and ScholarLed: Open Access Books in the Humanities and Social Sciences.” The speakers demonstrated the use of Editoria online book editing software and shared their experience as Open Access book publishers. Punctum Books has a two-year pilot around open books in the Humanities and Social Sciences and ScholarLed (@ScholarLed on Twitter), a new consortium of Open Access book publishers that aims to create an ecosystem for open books in the Humanities and Social Sciences that is not-for-profit, community-driven, and led by academic researchers.
For more information please contact Mitchell Brown, Scholarly Communication Coordinator, or x 49732.