Recent Gifts to the Critical Theory Archive
New additions to the Critical Theory Archive in Special Collections and Archives include a collection of audio recordings of early lectures from Fredric Jameson, Stanley Aronowitz, and Terry Eagleton (Michel Oren collection of Marxist Literary Group recordings); the papers of two early and influential literary and critical theorists at UCI (John Carlos Rowe papers and Robert Langford Montgomery papers); and founding records from the Critical Theory Emphasis.
The Critical Theory Archive is the premier collection of scholarly archives of major figures who have worked in the interdisciplinary fields associated with the study of theory, emphasizing the international eminence and influence of the programs and curricula in Critical Theory at UC Irvine.
Your support can help the UCI Libraries continue our work to preserve and make available these historic and impactful materials to scholars around the world.
For more information, please contact Wendi Morner, Director of Development at or 949-824-8904.