Julia Ling Receives the 2014 Anne Frank Visiting Researcher Award
The Anne Frank Visiting Researcher Award is given annually by the UCI Libraries' Southeast Asian Archive to a researcher outside of Orange County who intends to use the collection's rich primary and secondary sources. This year's awardee is Julia Ling, an accomplished actress, writer and filmmaker, whose research on survivors of the Cambodian Genocide will lay the foundation for her documentary and feature films.
Julia plans to explore the Southeast Asia Resource Action Center collection, films on Cambodia, ephemera, dissertations and theses, and secondary source materials available at the library. Her research centers the stories of survivors of the Khmer Rouge. As a child of Cambodian Genocide survivors, Julia's deep investment in telling the stories of this community compels her to seek out resources at the Southeast Asian Archive.
"I'm beyond excited to have the opportunity to visit the Southeast Asian archives at UCI, and I'm deeply grateful for this opportunity - not only because I know that the abundance of information will contribute significantly to this documentary movie I'm writing, but also because of the wonderful team behind it all," said Julia. "There's so much love and passion that goes into the creation and infrastructure of this incredible collection, and I'm honored to be a part of it."
The Libraries' Southeast Asian Archive is open to the public to learn about refugees and immigrants from Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.
For further information, please contact Thuy Vo Dang, Archivist, Southeast Asian Archive & Regional History at 949.824.1878 or thuy.vodang@uci.edu