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Calendar of Events

April 24
Thursday Book Club
Telegraph Avenue, by Michael Chabon
2 pm Langson Library Room 229

April 29
The Opening of the Spring Exhibit
Healing U: Health Education at UCI
Guest Speaker: Ralph Clayman, M.D.
5:30 pm, Langson Library

May 22
Thursday Book Club
Art Forger by B.A. Shapiro
2 pm Langson Library Room 229

June 26
Thursday Book Club
Velva Jean Learns to Drive by Jennifer Niven
2 pm Langson Library Room 229

August 13 and August 20
New Swan Shakespeare Festival
Noon time Seminars led by Julia Lupton,
UCI Professor of English
12 pm Laudati Conference Room 570

Fall 2014
Forthcoming exhibit on the History of Coffee Culture
Date to be announced

All events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted. Limited seating; reservations are requested. For further information or to make a reservation, please email partners@uci.edu or call 949.824.4651. For maps, directions, and parking information, go to: www.uci.edu/campus_maps.php.

Supporting the UCI Libraries
Gifts to the Libraries help preserve the past, and are an investment in the future or our university, community, and State. To support the Libraries’ resources and programs, please call the Library Development office at 949.824.4651 or make a gift online.