Membership Levels and Benefits
All Gateway Society members receive:
- Recognition as a member on the Libraries’ annual Honor Roll of Donors webpage
- The semi-annual Libraries’ newsletter
- Special recognition when attending Libraries’ events
In addition, members will receive the following benefits based upon their giving level:
$1500 Benefactor
- All the benefits of a Patron plus...
- UCI Libraries branded padfolio
- Behind the scenes library tour
$1000 Patron
- All the benefits of a Champion, plus...
- UCI Libraries branded etched metal bookmark
- VIP seating at Libraries’ events
$500 Champion
- All the benefits of a Ally, plus...
- Gateway Society lapel pin
- Exclusive access to UCI Libraries|Unbound
$250 Ally
- All the benefits of a Friend, plus...
- Gateway Society USB drive
$150 Friend
- All the benefits of UCI Faculty & Staff level, plus…
- Gateway Society pen
$75 UCI Faculty & Staff
- All the benefits of Recent Alumni level, plus…
- Gateway Society notebook
$50 Recent Alumni (UCI graduates of the last 5 years)
- All the benefits of Student level, plus…
- Gateway Society post-it notes
$25 Current Students
- Gateway Society bookmark